Let’s face it, the 70s was an awesome time for music. I’ve always been a sucker for love songs, especially those that speak of melancholy and the pain of a broken heart. Randy VanWarmer had a great one back in 1979 entitled, “Just When I Needed You Most.” One of the great lines in that song goes:
“Cause I need you more than I, needed before and now, where I’ll find comfort, God knows, cause you left me — just when I needed you most.”
Wow, now that’s heartache. It’s true. Sometimes in life, people fail us, just when we needed them most. Reflecting on this song got me to thinking about my relationship with God and pondering whether He is any different. “Has He ever left me, just when I needed Him most?
Well, the answer to that question is clear. No, never! As the Bible emphatically states, “He will never leave us or forsake us.” Now that’s an awesome promise and what makes God our comfort. He is always faithful, always knows what we need and always comes through!
Let me give you a recent example to illustrate this point. Right after the first of this year I met with a contractor to discuss some home renovations. We came up with a three-phase strategy and so I asked him to get me a quote. A few days later, he gave me a quote ($21,200) and we agreed that work should begin the following Monday. I was very excited and nervous at the same time. I had just signed a contract for a yearlong project costing a good chunk of money. Yikes!
So that Monday morning I woke up early to pray and spend time with the Lord. But this morning was a bit more pressing. I had a bit of uneasiness stirring in my heart. We’ve all been there. It was one of those moments mired in thoughts and doubts about whether I was doing the right thing – in my case, by renovating the house. And, even if it was, “where the heck am I going to get the money?” So, I gained my composure, thanked God for the remodel opportunity, and began praying not just for the needed resources, but for overall guidance and confirmation. Wouldn’t you know that as the day progressed, I felt more and more assured that I was doing the right thing by renovating the house. But ………, I was still feeling uneasy about the money. Did I bite off more than I could chew?
The next day, Tuesday, I received a message from a good client that he wanted to see me and possibly purchase some new clashing. We set an appointment for Wednesday, and we spent almost two hours going over style options and fabrics. He was in “buying mode” and after finalizing all the details of his order I knew it was going to be big.
So, I went back to my office and started to price out his purchase. Just then I felt a further peace about the home renovation and God’s ability to provide. About two thirds through my calculations, I uttered these words to myself, “I know where this is going!” I was getting giddy in a childlike sort of way. The expectation was unreal! I quickly regained my composure and clicked the total button – looking away because of the anticipation. A second later I turned my face towards the calculator and there it was. TOTAL – $21,200! Are you kidding me? You can’t make this stuff up. All you can do is fall on your knees and look towards the sky and say, “Thank you Lord, you came through just when I needed you most!”
Ok, you might think I’m a little crazy and this “money miracle” was just coincidence. But God has a way of validating and confirming His words and actions. And He did just that in this case. Fast forward a few days, and I’m talking to a good friend about how things are going in his life. Just then he responds, “Hey D, let me tell you what happened the other day and how God came through just when I needed Him most.” Seriously!!!! He then explains that he had some emergency home repairs and needed $13,000 to get things fixed, and that a few days later he received a bonus at work for – you guessed it – $13,000.
Now I’m not suggesting that God works His miracles primarily through money. God can provide in a myriad of ways, be it physical or spiritual. Rather, the point here is that God knows what you need, when you need it and is always looking to come to our aid. So, trust in the One that loves you unconditionally. He will work miracles in your life in such a way that you’ll also be singing, “Cause You Came Through, Just When I Needed You Most.”
Dario L. Perla